I got a beautiful sand color. It's more white than it looks in this picture. Because of the pale color it goes really nicely with all the blue decorations! Like this archway. The lighting also helps with that.
I've seen this statue a few times, and I've wanted to get it for a while. It says "No Fishing", my favorite animals are sharks, and my favorite aquarium fish are Bettas (which is the reason behind my fish forums username Betta_Shark5678) so why not have them both in one tank? Sort of anyway. Also blue, I didn't notice the blue thing until I finished setting up the tank. Damien is black, and blue though, so it's perfect!
These are my Cryptocornye Wendtii green plants, and a pile of polished blue stones. Another thing in my blue theme. I wanted red Wendtii, but the pet store only sells green. It goes better anyways.
This is the other side of the tank. Java fern is on the rock in the left corner, and the plants in the middle of the picture are Water Wisteria.
This is a piece of wood I originally was going to put in my big tank. I have three pieces I'm going to put in a little tipi over the amazon swords, then one longer piece in the sand on one side, and on the rocks on the other. This was an extra piece, and I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided to use it in Damien's tank.
Here's Damien when he first got in his tank. He's swimming away from the picture... You can't see them, but there are rips in his fins, and under the (annoying) lighting in his old tank I couldn't see the rips until a few days ago! Luckily I got a gift card for a pet store for Christmas that I hadn't spent yet.
Anyways, maybe I'll enter the fish forum's Tank of the Month contest with this tank when the plants grow a little! :)
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Quick facts:
Bettas need at LEAST 3.5 Gallons of water, a filter, a heater, lights, and a thermometer!
Fish are not as easy to keep as most people think.
Guppies are also called "Millions Fish" because they have so many babies!
Bettas, and some other fish have an organ called the "Labyrinth" which allows them to breathe air.
What do you think about that?