Sunday, February 27, 2011

Movie, AND Book review!

Title: Frozen
Characters: Parker (A Girl), Dan (Parker's Boy friend), Joe (Dan's best friend).
Plot: Three friends want to ski, and snowboard down the mountain one more time before they leave.  They bribe the ski-lift operator, and then another operator takes over.  The other operator sees three people come down the mountain, and was told "Three more are going up, wait for them".  The operator shuts down, and leaves.  The mountain is not open again until the following Friday, and the friends are trapped.  Dan jumps off the lift, and breaks both legs.  Parker's hand freezes to the safety bar, and she rips it off, bleeding, and frost-bitten.  Joe climbs on a wire across to other chairs, until he comes to one with a ladder, and climbs down.  Only Parker survives.
Rating (like rated G kind of rating :P): R
Rating (as in how good it was...): **

I only rate it "two stars" because it was so boring I fell asleep.  And I DO NOT  fall alseep during movies.  I DO NOT.  The first time I stayed up really late watching a movie (that I remember) was Jarhead, or heads... I don't know, but I stayed up with my Mom watching that until past midnight, and my Dad fell asleep for that one!

Title: Killer Pizza
Main Characters: Toby, Annabel, "Strobe", Harvey, and Steve.
Plot: Toby finally finds a job at a pizza place, called "Killer Pizza".  He works with three others, Doug, Annabel, and Strobe.  Annabel is a leader at heart, and figures out how everybody can work together well.  Strobe is strong and silent, and is a teen with a dark past.  Toby is the kid who doesn't get great grades, (haha "get great grades") and doesn't find it easy to make friends.  Doug is the kid who sits in the corner, watching everybody else work.  It turns out Doug is really the owner of Killer Pizza (harvey), but he's more than that! He's a monster hunter, and he wants to employ, and train Toby,  Annabel, and Strobe.  They agree, and have to hunt down guttata.  As they fight, Annabel gets captured by the Alpha male himself! The alpha says that he will let her go, and leave the city, if the MCO (Monster Combat Officers), will let them have their monthly gathering in peace.  Strobe, and Toby don't like it.  They rescue Annabel!
Age range: Young Adult.
Rating: Out of 5 ********************.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, LOVE this book!

Friday, February 18, 2011

More Zombies, and Sharks.

Found two zombie podcasts that I'm listening to.  One is called "The Zombie Chronicles".  The other is "Zombie Strike".  Zombie Strike is called "clean" on iTunes, The Zombie Chronicles on the other hand... Let's just say, isn't.  But I haven't listened to Zombie Strike, yet.  The Zombie Chronicles is good though.  Now, a Disaster Spot post!

2001 was called "The Summer of The Shark", though only three people actually died.  The same number as in 1991.  Less than in 1981.  Two people died within days of each other, both males.  David Peltier, was the first death of 2001.  A 10-year-old boy, who died while surfing with his father.  His father tried to pry the shark's mouth open, and got his hand cut.  He also tried punching the shark, and finally got his son free.  The boy's femoral artery was, sadly, severed, and David died.  Sergei Zaloukaev, age 28, was next, two days after David's attack! Sergei also died, but the sad part about this attack is really his swimming companion:
Sergei got attacked by a shark while helping his girlfriend get out of the shark's mouth.  She escape with severe injuries.  She got attacked before Sergei even! Her leg was taken, but he died..  They were taking their last swim before leaving the US to go back to Russia when it happened.  They were in North Carolina.  David was in Virginia.  Eric Reichardt, 42, was next, but it wasn't because of a shark he died, they say he was fighting off a shark - while diving - when his diving regulator probably fell out of his mouth, and he drowned.  That's what most people think, some think he simply drowned, some blame sharks.  The funny thing is: They claim not to know what type of shark got any of them! Though on the show (Shaaaaarrrkkk weeeeeeeeeeek o_o) I watched about these attacks blamed a bull shark for the first two I talked about! Some scientists believe that Sergei, and David were both killed by Bull Sharks, some believe Sergei was killed by a Tiger Shark.   Bull sharks are said to have the highest level of circulating Testosterone, than any other creature on the planet, which is, supposedly, what makes them the most aggressive species of shark.  Bull Sharks have special glands that can release salt into the water around them to make it possible for them to live in fresh water rivers, and lakes, as well as salt water oceans, and seas.  This is supposed to make Bulls the most dangerous type of shark.  Really, very few sharks are dangerous:
Bull sharks (I wonder how I knew this one IS dangerous! :O)
Great White Sharks (seems obvious you say?  I'm just trying to tell you a few kinds of sharks that are dangerous! Geeeeeez!)
Tiger Sharks (duh)
WHALE SHARKS (hahaha, not :P  No really, they're completely harmless!!)
Sand Tiger Shark
Hammerhead Shark
Spinner Shark
Blue Shark
Researching is such a long word, don't you think?  It should shrink.  That's what I think, but what do I know?  Other than sharks? :P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As if I needed any predatory animals to be freaking out excitedly about.  Great White sharks.  I got a book.  It's going to be my school book next year.  It's called "Great White Sharks: Biology of the Carcharodon Carcharias".  Carcharodon Carcharias is the scientific name for the Great White Shark.  I'm getting good at remember the scientific names of big(most of the time big), ugly, mean fish.  Piranhas without looking at anything, even for spelling, is from the family Channidae.  And the sub-family Serrasalmidae.  Now I will look at my little Piranha chart, that I made myself, for spelling.  So I started reading the introduction of my shark book.  In the introduction they describe a Carcharodon Carcharias attacking, killing, and devouring a seal.  So! After reading the description I got onto youtube!! Where I found, multipul videos of Great Whites attacking, killing, and devouring seals!! Ahh, gotta love youtube! My favorite youtube video was a related video to one of the shark videos! It's not a video about sharks, but I LOVE the video! Very interesting link I, litterally, JUST found! That's really rare!! What that "Very interesting link I, litterally, JUST found" talks about! Did you know that the world's largest fresh water shark is the basking shark?  They live in the northern US.  And my last link, I promise.  And this one is actually a bloody, gross one about a shark eating! That's it! :D